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About Mannheim and train tickets

We search the best price train tickets to Mannheim

Mannheim - the city of squares

Mannheim is a city in the northwest of Baden-Württemberg, Germany. It has a population of around 310,000, making it the third largest city in the state. It is known for its unique layout of squares, with squares built on an axis, giving the city an orderly layout. Mannheim is also home to the National Theatre, the University of Mannheim, and numerous other attractions.

Must-sees Mannheim

National Theatre

The National Theatre Mannheim is one of the oldest and largest theatres in Germany. It is located in the heart of Mannheim and is home to a wide range of plays, musicals and performances. The building was built in the late 1700s and is a beautiful example of Baroque architecture.

SAP Arena

The SAP Arena is an indoor arena located in Mannheim and is the home of the Adler Mannheim ice hockey team. The Arena also hosts numerous concerts and events throughout the year. If you’re looking for a great night out, the Arena is the place to be!


The Luisenpark is one of the largest parks in Mannheim and covers an area of over 70 hectares. The park has a wide variety of attractions, including a playground, mini golf course, and a lake. There is also a botanical garden, an aquarium, and a large flower garden.

Train Tickets to Mannheim

Traveling to Mannheim is easy with the convenient train services from cities across Germany. Whether you’re coming from Cologne, Berlin, or Munich, you can find the best deals on train tickets to Mannheim right here. With our low prices, you can save money while experiencing the beauty of Mannheim.

Weather in Mannheim, Germany

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