) Sustainable tips for Maastricht - Greener travel to Maastricht

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* These are estimates and only single journeys. The true emissions could differ in reality.

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Water Score in Netherlands


Drink Water and Sanitzation Score in Netherlands is 100%

According to Yale EPI

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Sustainable tips for Maastricht

A greener guide for better travel to Maastricht

Sustainable Travel & Tips Maastricht

Maastricht is a beautiful city in the Netherlands, and a great destination for sustainable travelers. With its cobbled streets, historic churches, and scenic views of the Meuse River, Maastricht is an ideal destination for those looking to explore the Netherlands in a sustainable and eco-friendly way.

Cycle around the city

Maastricht is known as a cycling city, and the best way to explore the city is by bike. Not only is cycling a more sustainable way to get around, but it’s also a great way to take in all the sights and sounds of the city. Plus, there are designated bike lanes throughout the city, making it even easier to get around.

Stay in eco-friendly accommodations

When it comes to accommodation, there are a number of eco-friendly places to stay in Maastricht. From eco-friendly hotels to bed & breakfasts, there are plenty of options for those looking for a sustainable place to stay in the city. Plus, many of these accommodations are located near local attractions, making them ideal for those looking to explore the city in an eco-friendly way.

Eat locally sourced food

Maastricht is home to a number of restaurants that serve locally sourced food. Eating locally grown food not only supports the local economy, but it also reduces the carbon footprint of your meal by eliminating the need for transportation of ingredients from faraway places. Plus, it’s a great way to try new and delicious dishes. If you will eat vegan, you will reduce even more carbon emission.

Explore green initiatives

Maastricht is home to a number of green initiatives, from bike-sharing programs to community gardens. Exploring these initiatives is a great way to learn more about sustainable living and to get involved in the local community. Plus, many of these initiatives are free or low-cost, making them ideal for those on a budget.

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