Carbon Footprint Calculator

Calculate your flight's CO2 and offset directly


Carbon offsetting is currently not possibled

Your flight from AMS to BCN


1241 km

Your Emissions

0.19 tonnes of CO2 - per person
Offset below from €4.15

0.19 tonnes of CO2 equals about

268 laundry washes

92 showers of 10 minutes

98 days watching TV

2% of the yearly energy consumption of a Dutch household

Choose the project you're supporting

Offset your carbon now

Order CO2-offsetting for 0.19 tonnes of CO2 = €4.15

By ordering you'll agree our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

Prices are including 21% Dutch VAT. The minimum price amount is €1.25. The minimum carbon amount is 0.09 tonnes of CO2. For a flight of e.g. 0.05 tonnes of CO2 we offset a bit more.

Frequently Asked Questions about Carbon Offsetting

Unfortunately the aviation industry is excluded from the Paris Climate Agreement. Currently aviation account for two percent of the global CO2 emissions.

The amount of air travel passengers is expected to double in the next twenty year. Air travel technologies aren't keeping up with that growth. Therefore, it's expected that emissions in aviation will increase.

Also your flight contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. But there's a way to compensate for these emissions, namely by carbon offsetting.

While we also hope that electric planes and biofuel technologies will develop soon, it's expected that this will take a few years to decades. To reach climate goals, we should act now. And you can act now by reducing your emissions and offsetting the rest via FlyGRN!

About Carbon Offsetting

Carbon offsetting works (Guardian) with a certain carbon offset scheme that allows individuals and companies to invest in environmental projects around the world in order to balance out their own carbon footprints.

FlyGRN offsets carbon with VCS Certification

To making sure that the carbon is really offset, several certification standards were developed to ensure that carbon is really offset correctly. FlyGRN uses the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS / VERRA)

Sure! This is an example of a carbon offsetting certificate that users receive after booking: example certificate
In order to do that, we created emission factors per (passenger)kilometre that are based on the ones created by the British government. You can read more about it on our blog.
That's defintely a possibility. Send us an email to info [at] flygrn [dot] com. We'd love to help you with offsetting the carbon impact of your business.